As a child I can recall science fiction movies with themes of body invasions such as “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” In this movie the townspeople are being replaced by pod-like creatures.

I think of this movie quite often when I am treating patients of the baby boomer population. Often they ask or state, “What happened to my body,” “I am not me anymore,” “It’s like someone invaded my body and mind,” and their most frequently asked question is, “Why am I not getting better faster, the way I used to when I was younger?”

The answer is in the question. It’s because they are no longer in their twenties. Having treated thousands of patients it is my opinion that after the age of 40 the body’s repair process is compromised. You no longer have the ability to repair on a cellular level compared to your younger years.

The problem is your 20+ year old brain and body is invaded by a 40-year-old. In your twenties you can walk by a table and accidentally strike your hip and moments later not feel any pain whatsoever. In your forties, you strike your hip and a week later you are considering an MRI because the pain is still there and getting worse.

Not only do our bodies’ age as we grow older but our lifestyle also changes (more sitting, less activity, lack of sleep) and the lifestyle we led when we were younger catches up with us, plain and simple.

Since we can’t go back in time (at least not yet) and change our previous lifestyle, we have the opportunity to change the way we live now and into the future.

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Unfortunately, change is never easy to accept and sometimes hard to accomplish unless you create the change in small action steps.

Here are a few, yet powerful action steps you can take to improve your mind and body:

- If you are suffering with chronic pain create a multi-disciplinary healthcare team consisting of your primary care doctor, a psychiatrist, chiropractor, physical therapist and a psychologist/counselor. Add alternative practitioners to your team such as nutritionists, massage therapists, homeopathic and naturopathic doctors and acupuncturists.

- Begin eating to create optimum health. Avoid artificial sweeteners (unless you’re a diabetic and even then I would limit the amount of artificial sweeteners) sugar, salt and fat. Read the ingredient list of every food product you purchase that is in a bag, can or wrapper – and if you can’t spell or enunciate the ingredients you shouldn’t be eating the ingredients. In other words, if the ingredient list sounds like a chemistry class, skip it.

- Start an exercise program. If you haven’t exercised in a long time start with an easy workout program lasting 20-30 minutes every other day. If you can complete one month of exercising every other day for 20-30 minutes, then consider increasing your program. I also recommend hiring a personal trainer for at least one month so you can learn proper exercise technique. A well-rounded exercise program should consist of flexibility, balance, core, strengthening and aerobic activity.

- Just as you need to exercise your body, you need to exercise your brain on a daily basis. Start playing crossword and jigsaw puzzles or Sudoku. Stop relying on memory functions in your phone and do your best to memorize the numbers, even if you have to look those numbers up each and every time. Another great mental exercise is to write your name daily using your non-dominant hand.

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- If your current job requires long periods of sitting do your best to stand every 20 minutes and stretch the back of your legs and gluteal region.

Remember to start with these easy action steps and you will be amazed at your results.