The Good-Enough Sex model of male and couple sexuality is the most challenging as well as most important concept in this book. The traditional male sex model has been all about a big, powerful penis and perfect Viagra pharmacy in Canada intercourse performance to prove yourself to the woman and be competitive with male peers. Sexually, men were either winners or losers. Being thought of as a sexual loser is a controlling male fear. The essence of being a loser is not having a penis ready for action any time and any place. By that definition, the truth is that 95% of men are losers and the remaining 5% are afraid it would eventually happen to them. In the traditional perfect performance male model, you are always one failure away from devastating your sexual self-confidence.

The Good-Enough Sex model challenges that self-defeating performance criterion. Focus on enjoying pleasurable sex; you do not have to prove any-thing to yourself or anyone else. It is about acceptance, pleasure, and positive, realistic sexual and relationship expectations. This is an opportunity for you as a man, for your male friends, for couples, and for our culture to change the understanding and meaning for men’s sexual health.

With the Good-Enough Sex model, intimacy and satisfaction are the ultimate purpose, with pleasure as important as function and mutual acceptance as the context. Sex is integrated into the man’s and couple’s daily life and daily life is integrated into your sex life to create a unique couple sexual style. Living daily life well as both a person and a couple with its responsibilities, stresses, conflicts as well as joys, moments of plea-sure, special erotic experiences, and emotional and sexual satisfaction is vital. – Buy Kamagra online at the best price.

Good-Enough Sex provides the opportunity to experience a range of sensual, playful, erotic, and intercourse experiences which will enhance your sexuality. The ultimate goal of couple sex is relationship intimacy and satisfaction.

The traditional criterion of male sexual confidence has been perfect control over erection, intercourse, and orgasm. Sex as a pass – fail test. This new approach emphasizes that the essence of sex is self-confidence grounded on giving and receiving pleasure-oriented touching and that 85% of the time this will flow to intercourse and orgasm. Touching has value in itself whether affectionate touch, sensual touch, playful touch, erotic touch, or intercourse. Intercourse is a special pleasuring/erotic experience, not the pass–fail measure of sexual prowess. Touching experiences that do not result in intercourse can be normal and enjoyable, not viewed as a failure. The essence of sexual confidence is sharing pleasure, not perfect performance.